November is Flying By!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The land of homeschooling, caking, and IT work has been busy here!  Big G has been working hard on her 3 R's, and we're seeing some real progress so far in her Kindergarten year!  She's getting much better at cutting more complicated patterns too.
Our first month of the Book It! program through Pizza Hut had us reading our BOB books in a fury!  She earned her first free pizza certificate last month!  Little G is still trying to figure out how to get one of those as well.
We also have enjoyed using a new site a friend recommended for our handwriting practice.  They have TONS of worksheets for almost every subject!  We've used several including my favorite, the handwriting worksheets where you can enter the text you want your child to either trace or copy, and then it creates a pdf file for you to save or print.  This has been AWESOME!  We've used it to reinforce our AWANA memory verses for church, theme sentences to go along with our Five-in-a-Row books, and unit studies.  We just finished "In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue."  A very handy tool!

We also spent some time in Kansas City at Children's Mercy taking care of some minor things, and decided to have some fun while we were up there!  Cabela's is great - like a mini Bass Pro.  

And T Rex Cafe is... AWESOME! 

I've been working on my own set of skills as well.  I had the opportunity to do my friend's son's first birthday cake.  And what fun it was!   For the larger half sheet cake with "one", we did a double layer classic almond white wedding cake with buttercream icing.  The smaller 1 was baby J's smash cake and was also a classic almond white wedding cake in one layer.  We added some touches of owls to tie into the rest of the theme.  I think they turned out nice.  Oh, and a thank you to Kara Guffey Photography for the great pictures of the cake!

And last but not least, with Thanksgiving so close, I'm also gearing up for the onset of Advent. Last year, we kind of muddled through our first year as a family to observe it. I had found some online resources to print out, but my friend recommended this book as a very nice, comprehensive Advent book - perfect for a family like ours!  I look forward to getting this for our family to use this year!


What's it Gonna BEE?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

After quite a hiatus, I'm back to blogging... awhile back I had the honor of doing a gender-reveal cake for a friend.
This one was tough. I KNEW her little girl oh so desperately wanted a little sister! She already has a herd of brothers... could she handle another?!
Sooooo, when I recieved the sealed envelope with the ultrasound picture inside, I didn't need a label on it to tell me this little baby was going to be a BOY! So, the brain storming began... what could we do to make this cake fun on the outside and have a few special things on the inside? After deciding on the bee theme, I also decided to include a special message to the family. This was a fun cake to do, and I look forward to getting to do more of them in the future!!

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