Longing for the Green

Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's been a wet weekend for us. Not much is getting done in the way of the garden or the chicken house & run. None the less, seeing all the rain and feeling the warming temperatures this past week has really got me thinking about spring and summer. I'm starting to get the fever. Courtney even started fretting about fishing today! Anyway, for those of you that have never been out to our place, I thought I'd include a couple of spring & summer pictures of our little homestead. I'm ready for my summer views!


From a Pile of Lumber

Monday, March 24, 2008

Well, this was a productive weekend. Courtney got most of the framing and some of the roof sub on. It's really beginning to look like a little house! Not much in the way of prepping the garden, but that will come in time... that and the manure that goes with it...

Many of the fencing posts are up now as well. It will be nice to get the structure fenced in. Then the ladies will almost be able to waddle right on in.

Courtney will be building a small open-sided shed next to the hen house to store the lawn tractor & the feed & what not. That's a project for a little later this summer though.

Still trying to figure out what kind of ladies to use... we want egg layers - good ones. And they need to be cold hardy since we probably won't heat the house this winter... at least we'll see how it goes. So, if you have any suggestions, send them this way!!


Happy Easter Everyone!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter everyone. I hope everyone is enjoying today. The family went to church this morning. It was a nice service. We always enjoy performing with the Praise Team at First Baptist Church in town. Brandon did a great job of selecting songs that really show the true meaning of Easter. After all, it's not about bunnies, candy, and eggs (although that's fun too).

Christ the Lord has risen today! - Can I get a HALLELUJAH?!?!!!!


Trumpet Help From My Willard Buddies

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I need help from any of my old trumpet buddies from High School. I've recently picked the trumpet back up (HELLO, can you say tired lips? embouchure huh?). I don't have squat for music though. Any of you guys want to scan and email any stuff you may still have from school? I'm dying here...

P.S. Anyone want to tell me what the heck is going on here? Yeah, I've not been in Willard in quite awhile...


Spring means getting busy!

Here's the first official post on this blog: Citified is starting to seep out of me and country is beginning to take over. We've been on this place 2 years now and this is the first year we've really done anything "country" with it. We spent the first two years updating the inside and putting down some landscaping in the front and back - of which is still not finished. I'm already learning my lessons though...

Lesson One: Spring means getting down to work. My father-in-law is here to help us get the chicken house and run up. Framing is almost done. We'll put down a mesh floor to let droppings pass through and then skin it. Then comes the fun part (for me). Painting. My number one request was that it not look "tacky". You know what I mean. I didn't want it to look old and dilapidated. I wanted a cute chicken house... all citified. Ha! Well, at least "the ladies" will appreciate it. We'll also be getting the manure ready to spread and work in to the garden area. Boy, that's a real challenge in itself. I'll go into it more later...

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