Back in the Groove
Friday, January 30, 2009
I've been behind on posting to the blog lately. It seems like one illness after another has taken over our household over the past few weeks. BUT, I'm back! So, needless to say, I've got to play catchup!
Grace decided that we needed to pull out one of the boxes in her closet a few weeks ago... and much to her surprise (and elation) the contents of the box were dress up clothes! So, being the eclectic personality that she is, she began donning all kinds of garb. And this is what she came up with!A few days later, were were having nap time except my little one wasn't doing much napping. Instead, she was exploring her book shelf. Now, don't get me wrong, normally I would encourage such behavior, but in this case, her exploration turned more into a tour of demolition! I do believe she had EVERY book off the shelves. Needless to say, we had "a talk" about how we treat our books.
Grace also had her first piggy-back ride. It might seem odd that she's having her first piggy back ride at almost 2 1/2 but it's true. She's had many shoulder rides - just no piggy back rides.Grace also got a new toy... all because of the Walmart clearance aisle. I'm a bargain addict, so I can never pass up taking a stroll down the clearance aisles at the stores. Well, I found a bath toy at Walmart for $15 that has brought more joy to this little girl than any other bath toy she owns! If you ever see the Mommy and Me Waterslide toy in the clearance aisle at Walmart, I HIGHLY recommend buying it!
And our last update is our little round of ice/sleet/and snow that we had down here. It was fun though. We did finally get to trek out and enjoy some snow time in spite of all the illnesses. We live next to a cemetary on a hill (the neighbors are quiet...), and had some fun over there. Hope you all had a chance to enjoy the snow too. We don't get it a lot here in southern Missouri!