The Chicks are Here!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
There's nothing like the sound of cheep, cheep, cheep coming from 30 chicks. Happiness abounds!
They're so cute, and Grace just thinks they're the best thing ever!
Of course, all the animals are very interested. Zelda thinks they're loud... but the cats think they look like fun... a little too much fun I'm afraid. So we've got them in the garage with bails around them. On top is a heavy wire cage to keep out the other critters. The heat lamp seems to be set to temperature JUST RIGHT.
So, for all you technical chicken connoisseurs, here's the scoop on what we've got now. All the chicks were purchased from Estes Hatchery in Springfield, MO. Courtney just happens to have an aunt working there.
10 each of:Barred Plymouth Rocks - Pullets only (females), Brown eggs, mature around 6 lbs, EXCELLENT egg-layers
California White Leghorns - Straight run (i.e. male/female mix), White eggs, mature around 4.5 lbs, VERY EXCELLENT egg-layers Island Reds - Pullets only, Brown eggs, mature around 5.5 lbs, VERY GOOD egg-layer
Video of everyone meeting everyone! And no, we didn't let Grace hold the chicks... I was afraid she'd crush one in all of her excitement!!!!!
“We're always happy after we've had a bath. And at 19 months old, who can think of anything more fun?!?!”
Too bad that face really came right before the bath (and right after a really big poo in the tub!)
- Gracie's Daddy
Cute video - you are really getting up town with this blog business!
My question is ... what the heck is Courtney wearing?
Courtney is wearing his new tree-tux in anticipation of hunting Mr. Tom T. Turkey this weekend. It's 3-D camo girl!
- Gracie's Daddy
Well, I know it to be true that it’s not what you know but who you know… and I’m glad that in my repertoire of friends I can add ‘chicken expert’ (or do you prefer poultry expert?)
-John Wayne
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