Quiet Neighbors
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
In reference to the previous post today... Yes, we really do live next to a cemetary. It's a hot spot around Halloween. Not to mention the psychics that were up there the other day wanting to have some kind of séance.
Personally, I think it's quite a lovely place. It's very peaceful. The cemetary is very old. There are headstones with birthdates dating back to 1820 or earlier.
And Kathy, there are some Maberry's up there. Not a common spelling of the last name...
Clue me in on those Maberry names...I don't run across those very often! What is the name of the cemetery? I have been working on family tree stuff quite a bit over the last couple of years.
By the way, did you know that all this blogging practically makes you a SCRAPBOOKER? Who woulda thunk it? haha
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